
Monday, February 15, 2010

3 weeks...

So I came out here in the hopes of finding something new,something exciting and different, and yet I find myself still without adventure. I'm not saying I don't like playing with lasers and seeing go-go dancers in outfits that would of had them arrested in the 19th century and probably hung in the 17th but I want to test my limits and so far the only thing testing my limits has been blackberry bushes and depression...and not having an actual job.

Besides all that though I am trucking forward. I am succeeding where I would not have been able to in my earlier adulthood and it feels good. I see more things that need work but slowly my fear of that change is fading. I am becoming stronger, wiser, better prepared...but for what? Is the universe sending adventure my way? I wanted to write something of comedic value...but I feel that my life most certainly follows a humorous path inadvertently. Every day life unfolds and irony follows, I find myself in an comedy of celestial proportions...though it's always subtle and takes a trained eye and ear to find the laughter in it.

Like quite possibly travelling half the country just to work in a McDonald's...yeah funny like that.

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