
Saturday, February 14, 2009

Valentines day. 09'

Nine years after the Apocalypse I sit very alone. Not alone in that , "Twilight Zone Post-Apocalyptic " way. More of the ,"I'm real fucking glad I don't have to leave the house today ,the bar crowd is going to to have that sloppy too-much-bacon quality" sort of lonely. The kind that makes you wonder how the rest of the world is feeling at that moment. The kind of moment that no one wants to have before the dawn even has a chance to show it's derriere. A sobering moment of clarity unwarranted, not-signed-for, and hard to swallow. I can't really fathom how the interaction of two people can end in such a conclusion. On a day that's pushed as the most romantic day of the year...I didn't find the cold drive and awkward kiss on the cheek signifying the goodbye romantic as I drove away from the airport. I didn't feel anything much except some confusion (but those who know me well know that's not anything new),and what I can only describe as the sensation of being separated from someone manifest as a breeze soft tug at the back of my shoulder, the twitch in my ribs,the anchored feeling in my chest.

I'm not sad, I'm not angry,I don't have any regrets. I have some questions,though whether or not they are even pertinent to how I feel is something I need to work out in the chaos that is going on in my life. Will they be important when it's time for me to do so?
Anyway on my very special valentines day 2009 I'm going to plug my top 5 lonely valentine's day movies.
  1. 2010: A New Odyssey
  2. Aliens
  3. Kung Pow:Enter the fist
  4. Ninja Scroll
  5. Akira

Happy Commercialized love in a chocolate/flowers day!

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